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increasingly extensive中文是什么意思

用"increasingly extensive"造句"increasingly extensive"怎么读"increasingly extensive" in a sentence


  • 日益广泛


  • As the network is increasingly extensive , network user is becoming more and more . and the data that transmits on net is more and more bigger , the contradiction of network resource shortage is stressed increasingly
  • Millimeter wave system has many distinct advantages such as miniaturizing system components , increasing frequency band width , providing higher detectability , uneasily influenced by atmosphere conditions , etc . this makes millimeter wave technique get the increasingly extensive application in radar , communications , electronic warfare , guidance , remote sensing , radiation survey , therefore the research of millimeter system is very vital for civil , the industry , national defense
  • With the increasingly extensive application of the planar enveloping hourglass worm gearing , it becomes more important to rapid detection and high precision of the manufacture error . the surface of the planar enveloping worm gearing is complicate , and current domestic and international examination concerning its form generally is recur to the general three dimension measure apparatus or the special measure apparatus according to " the type of assemble " principle designed
用"increasingly extensive"造句  
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